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» Cummins Engine Parts Catalogue » Cummins MTAA11-G3 Engine Parts

Cummins MTAA11-G3 Engine Parts

Product Name: Cummins MTAA11-G3 Engine Parts Catalogue
Part No.: 4299025, 4914458, 4914368, 2864025
Engine Model: Cummins 4BTA3.9-G2, 6BTA5.9, 6CTA8.3, 6LTAA8.9, QSB, 4BTA3.9-G2, ISZ13, M11, QSM11, NTA855, KTA19, KTA38 and 4BTA3.9-G2
Keywords: Cummins MTAA11-G3 Parts Catalogue, Cummins MTAA11-G3 Genuine parts, genuine parts, CCEC parts
Packing: CCEC genuine packing
Shipping: By DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, by air and by sea

  • Description

Chongqing Cummins engine Co., Ltd.(CCEC for short) is a sino-AMERICAN joint venture, established in October 1995, located in the martyrstomb of Shapingba District, Chongqing. The Chinese parent company is Chongqing Mechanical & Electrical Co., LTD., and the foreign parent company is Cummins (China) Investment Co., LTD., with each holding 50% of the investment.

The power generation range of engines produced by Chongqing Cummins is 200-1112kW. Widely used in buildings, telecommunications, ships, field construction, industrial electricity and other fields. Typical applications include Zhongshan Station in Antarctica, United Nations peacekeeping projects, China Telecom, China Mobile, CCTV, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Railway Construction, etc. The advanced economy, power, reliability, durability and environmental safety of Chongqing Cummins engine are widely welcomed by users at home and abroad.

Part No. Part Name Part No. Part Name
Accessory Drive Pulley Restriction Indicator
4083458 Pulley, Accessory Drive 178957 Indicator, Restriction
3818229 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap Cylinder Liner
3818463 Washer, Plain 3803703 Kit, Cylinder Liner
Crankshaft 3080760 Liner, Cylinder
3073707 Crankshaft 3047188 Seal, Rectangular
S 300 Key, Plain Woodruff LINER SHIM
3084445 Gear, Crankshaft 3032623 Shim
REPAIR PARTS 3034663 Shim
4004652 Sleeve, Wear Idler Gears
3820918 Sleeve, Wear CAMSHAFT IDLER GEAR
Main Bearings 3084532 Gear, Idler
3801150 Set, Main Bearing 3084447 Gear, Idler
3016770 Bearing, Main 3026188 Bushing
3016780 Bearing, Main 3026166 Shaft, Idler
3161520 Bearing, Thrust 3026233 Retainer, Gear
3161653 Bearing, Thrust 3084899 Bearing, Thrust
3801151 Set, Main Bearing 3088161 Plate, Thrust Bearing Wear
3016771 Bearing, Main 3088162 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3016781 Bearing, Main WATER PUMP IDLER GEAR
3161520 Bearing, Lower Thrust 3084533 Gear, Idler
3161653 Bearing, Thrust 3084448 Gear, Idler
3801152 Set, Main Bearing 3026189 Bushing
3016772 Bearing, Main 3026233 Retainer, Gear
3016782 Bearing, Main 3084899 Bearing, Thrust
3161520 Bearing, Thrust 3088162 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3161653 Bearing, Thrust 3026167 Shaft, Idler
4060393 Block, Cylinder 3882528 Retainer, Gear
2892959 Block, Cylinder 3882922 Screw, Twelve Point Cap
148555 Dowel, Pin 3882902 Spacer, Hydraulic Pump
179063 Plug, Retainer 3026231 Dowel, Ring
3014754 Washer, Plain 3883510 Seal, Rectangular Ring
3014755 Disc, Valve 3882513 Spacer, Mounting
3014756 Spring, Compression Cam Follower
2878168 Bushing 3161475 Assy, Cam Follower Lever
3008466 Plug, Pipe 3821160 Lever, Cam Follower
3026758 Seat, Prs Regulator Valve 3335342 Pin, Cam Follower Roller
4999612 Cap, Main Bearing 3064621 Socket, Tappet
4999610 Cap, Main Bearing 3895488 Roller, Cam Follower
4999609 Cap, Main Bearing 3417645 Lever, Cam Follower
3803504 Kit, Screw Hex Head Cap 3079589 Lever, Cam Follower
3328742 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3335343 Pin, Cam Follower Roller
3019631 Washer, Plain 3064621 Socket, Tappet
3895832 Stud 3161423 Roller, Cam Follower
70550 Dowel, Pin 3029920 Pin, Roll
142207 Dowel, Pin 3417766 Shaft, Cam Follower
3007635 Plug, Expansion 3417769 Shaft, Cam Follower
3007632 Plug, Expansion 4060455 Plug, Expansion
3008446 Dowel, Pin 3064582 Support, Cam Fol Shaft
3008468 Plug, Pipe 3064583 Support, Cam Fol Shaft
3026231 Dowel, Ring 3895830 Support, Cam Fol Shaft
3037536 Plug, Threaded 3009330 Washer, Plain
3040813 Plug, Threaded 3044360 Nut, Regular Hexagon
3037537 Seal, O Ring Cylinder Block Plumbing
3046202 Plug, Threaded 3008466 Plug, Pipe
3040810 Plug, Threaded 3007635 Plug, Expansion
3046201 Seal, O Ring 3007632 Plug, Expansion
3069728 Sensor, Viscosity 3042619 Nipple, Coupling
3068979 Plunger, Prs Regulator 3037536 Plug, Threaded
3010146 Spring, Compression 3040813 Plug, Threaded
3821725 Plug, Retainer 3037537 Seal, O Ring
3008465 Plug, Pipe 3046202 Plug, Threaded
2864390 Verified Esn Stamp 3040810 Plug, Threaded
SERVICE PLUG 3046201 Seal, O Ring
3053349 Dowel, Pin Front Gear Train
Cylinder Block Kit 3882680 Plug, Gear Housing
4955649 Kit, Cylinder Block 2863702 Seal, O Ring
4070793 Kit, Cylinder Block 3819521 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap
Fuel Pump Drive 108330 Washer, Plain
3883123 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap Electrical Accessories
3896047 Shaft & Gear, Acc Drive 3063683 Harness, Wiring
S 3193 Pin, Groove Thermostat
129510 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3076489 Thermostat
170664 Washer, Plain Alternator
3000175 Hub, Jaw Coupling 3016627 Alternator
3028309 Bearing, Thrust 3821836 Link, Adjusting
4903443 Plug, Threaded 3883158 Support, Alternator
3034412 Seal, O Ring 3883157 Spacer, Mounting
4903442 Plug, Threaded 3040245 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3041048 Gear 3029507 Spacer, Mounting
S 3193 Pin, Groove 3820876 Retainer, Adjusting Screw
3041042 Gear, Accessory Drive 3044360 Nut, Regular Hexagon
3041043 Shaft, Accessory Drive 3335059 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3896048 Support, Accessory Drive 3009330 Washer, Plain
3899746 Gasket, Acc Drive Support 70111 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
STC Tme Control Interface 203310 Washer, Plain
S 602 Washer, Plain 70897 Nut, Lock
63187 Spacer 3046204 Pulley, Alternator
3046202 Plug, Threaded 3017506 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3040810 Plug, Threaded 3037425 Belt, V Ribbed
3046201 Seal, O Ring S 120 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3062329 Clamp, Wire Tie Front Engine Support
3078155 Sensor, Speed 203518 Washer, Plain
3081349 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3892105 Screw, Captive Washer Cap
3408389 Module, Step Time Control 3820988 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3408392 Key, Program 3819498 Support, Front Engine
3818060 Screw, Captive Washer Cap Fan Drive
4022856 Bracket, Etr Cnt Module 3065358 Assembly, Fan Hub
4022931 Screw, Flat Head Cap 3027676 Shaft, Fan Hub
4024830 Kit, Electronic STC 3027677 Flange
3408389 Module, Step Time Control 3027686 Washer, Plain
3408392 Key, Program 3335044 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
Air Fuel Control Plumbing 3063844 Cover, Fan Hub
3819871 Seal, O Ring 217008 Spacer, Bearing
3036230 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 217011 Spacer, Bearing
3036230 Connection, Air Intake 3001280 Ring, Retaining
3008465 Plug, Pipe 3001281 Bearing, Roller
Fuel Filter 3027675 Seal, Oil
S 112 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3037597 Hub, Fan
129866 Union, Male 3034836 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3040817 Seal, O Ring 3892321 Support, Fan Hub
3100516 Union, Male 3892354 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
142784 Head, Fuel Filter 3040245 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3009887 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3046206 Pulley, Fan
3315843 Separator, Fuel Water 3034942 Belt, V Ribbed
4061146 Bracket, Filter 3062602 Assembly, Idler Pulley
Flywheel Housing 3060884 Cover, Idler Pulley
127316 Washer, Plain 3062601 Seal, O Ring
182459 Gasket, Water Header Cover 3892768 Pulley, Idler
3008469 Plug, Pipe 3819920 Shaft, Idler
3013786 Plug, Pipe 3335044 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3018006 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3027680 Seal, Oil
3022148 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3060883 Pulley, Idler
3025802 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3003163 Washer, Plain
3026134 Gasket, Cover Plate 3027681 Bearing, Roller
3026135 Cover, Access Hole 3034319 Nut, Regular Hexagon
3063779 Plug, Threaded 3034320 Washer, Plain
3161671 Plate, Cover 107695 Pin, Roll
3165370 Flange Engine Fan
3335044 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3655107 Fan, Engine
3417501 Housing, Flywheel Fuel System Accessories
3417500 Housing, Flywheel 4913858 Connector, Tube
3819822 Sleeve 4913859 Connector, Tube
4083121 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap Fuel Plumbing
4923644 Seal, Oil 203862 Tee, Male Branch
Flywheel 3007024 Clamp, Tube
3899271 Flywheel 3009330 Washer, Plain
3899270 Flywheel 3028324 Valve, Check
4851 Gear, Flywheel Ring 3028325 Valve, Check
3821676 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3032872 Union, Male
Front Gear Cover 3033024 Elbow, Male Union
3161742 Seal, Oil 3034836 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3328759 Gasket, Carrier 3044360 Nut, Regular Hexagon
3328760 Gasket, Carrier 3600656 Bracket, Check Valve
3328761 Gasket, Carrier 3600659 Tube, Fuel Drain
3688114 Plug, Gear Cover 3600687 Tube, Fuel Drain
3892020 Seal, Oil 3600689 Tube, Fuel Supply
3892697 Cover, Gear 3820091 Connector, Female
3895020 Seal, Dust 3820586 Tube, Fuel Drain
3896837 Seal, Dust 3821332 Tube, Fuel Supply
4070462 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap 3821556 Clip
4920751 Seal, Rectangular Strip 3883244 Nut, Regular Hexagon
4962745 Seal, Oil 3900619 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
KIT, STRIP SEAL Air Intake Connection
4089995 Kit, Strip Seal 3008465 Plug, Pipe
4070462 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap 3009330 Washer, Plain
4070463 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap 3165840 Screw, Captive Washer Cap
4920751 Seal, Rectangular Strip 3818060 Screw, Captive Washer Cap
Air Transfer Connection 3818846 Gasket, Connection
3008465 Plug, Pipe 4914110 Connection, Air Intake
3883284 Seal, O Ring Air Intake Manifold
3883977 Pipe, Air Transfer 3028540 Plate, Cover
3892648 Clamp, V Band 3406757 Manifold, Air Intake
Oil Filter Head Cooler 3818060 Screw, Captive Washer Cap
109080 Seal, O Ring 3818846 Gasket, Connection
3034836 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap Full Flow Oil Filter
3046202 Plug, Threaded 3401544 Element, Lub Oil Filter
3040810 Plug, Threaded 4025950 Decal
3046201 Seal, O Ring Cylinder Block Cover
3102571 Retainer, Connection 3009887 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3080401 Adapter, O Ring 3025295 Cover, Camshaft
3080769 Seal, Rectangular Ring 3025296 Gasket, Cover Plate
4975879 Cooler, Oil 165658 Tube, Oil Gauge
4914502 Head, Lub Oil Filter 216484 Dipstick
3899699 Head, Lub Oil Filter 101322 Cap, Filler
3008466 Plug, Pipe 3028684 Cover, Hand Hole
3037536 Plug, Threaded 3036230 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3037537 Seal, O Ring 3883472 Gasket, Hand Hole
3040813 Plug, Threaded 163759 Connector, Tube
3040819 Plug, Threaded 3820463 Cover, Hand Hole
3035228 Seal, O Ring 3335044 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
4952630 Thermostat Oil Pan
3202101 Plug, Threaded 67946 Washer, Plain
3050897 Plug, Threaded 3009330 Washer, Plain
3046943 Seal, O Ring 3032787 Seal, O Ring
3820320 Plunger, Bypass Valve 3055069 Plug, Threaded
3820631 Ring, Retaining 3254405 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3820782 Ring, Retaining 3401290 Gasket, Oil Pan
3882585 Plug, Expansion 3896022 Retainer, Cap Screw
3882586 Spring, Compression 3328583 Tube, Lub Oil Suction
3896724 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap 4914257 Pan, Oil TLA
3820629 Gasket, Filter Head 67946 Washer, Plain
3883394 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3055069 Plug, Threaded
3883394 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap 3008468 Plug, Pipe
3892625 Gasket, Oil Cooler Support 3008470 Plug, Pipe
3036460 Washer, Spring 4914258 Pan, Oil
Injector Plumbing 3896723 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap
S 189 C Screw, Socket Head Cap Turbocharger
154087 Seal, Rectangular Ring 2834275 Turbocharger
181466 Washer, Lock 3818823 Stud, Double End Plain
3037988 Screw, Socket Head Cap 3818824 Nut, Hexagon Flange
3067424 Plug, Threaded 4914451 Gasket, Turbocharger
3037236 Seal, O Ring 113226 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3067347 Plug, Threaded 219138 Nut, Regular Hexagon
3070130 Adapter, Oil Control Valve Piston Cooling Nozzle
3080416 Sensor, Pressure 3080708 Nozzle, Piston Cooling
3037537 Seal, O Ring 3070393 Screw, Banjo Connector
3083727 Sensor, Pressure Camshaft
3328463 Seal, O Ring 4004556 Camshaft
3328464 Seal, O Ring 3896335 Support, Camshaft Thrust
3893801 Connector, Female 3822067 Screw, Captive Washer Cap
3896027 Valve, Check TLA 3009953 Key, Plain Woodruff
3037537 Seal, O Ring 3401439 Gear, Camshaft
3896026 Valve, Check Oil Manifold
3896933 Insert, Fuel Line 3899910 Manifold, Oil
3899972 Hose, Flexible 3401484 Connection, Oil Supply
3900630 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap 3401482 Connection, Oil
4010191 Adapter, Oil Control Valve 3882589 Seal, O Ring
4010194 Valve, Fuel Shutoff 3401483 Connection, Oil
129768 Spring, Valve 3821783 Screw, Captive Washer Cap
129839 Shield, Shutoff Valve Connecting Rod
129888 Seal, Rectangular Ring 4083569 Rod, Engine Connecting
196057 Disc, Valve 3896970 Rod, Engine Connecting
3034451 Housing, Actuator 3896894 Bushing
3054608 Solenoid 3027106 Dowel, Ring
3056009 Disc, Actuator 3027108 Screw, Connecting Rod Cap
3065944 Screw, Captive Washer Cap CONNECTING ROD BEARING
4010196 Body, Fuel Shutoff Valve 3016760 Bearing, Connecting Rod
S 258 Nut, Heavy Hexagon Jam 3016761 Bearing, Connecting Rod
3067341 Shaft, Shutoff Valve 3016762 Bearing, Connecting Rod
3279794 Seal, O Ring 3016763 Bearing, Connecting Rod
4010197 Body, Shutoff Valve 3016764 Bearing, Connecting Rod
67684 Washer, Plain Engine Piston Kit
Cylinder Head Kit, Engine Piston
2864025 Head, Cylinder TLA 4914368 Piston, Engine TLA
2864024 Head, Cylinder 4059902 Top, Piston
3007632 Plug, Expansion 4070653 Skirt, Piston
206741 Plug, Expansion 3016652 Ring, Retaining
3007635 Plug, Expansion 4083244 Pin, Piston
3035026 Seal, O Ring CYLINDER KIT
3417717 Sleeve, Injector 4025162 Kit, Cylinder
3090704 Insert, Valve 3080760 Liner, Cylinder
4923471 Guide, Valve Stem 3047188 Seal, Rectangular Ring
3895860 Spring, Valve 4059902 Top, Piston
4955239 Kit, Intake Valve 4070653 Skirt, Piston
4926069 Valve, Intake 4083244 Pin, Piston
3275354 Collet, Valve 3016652 Ring, Retaining
3800637 Kit, Exhaust Valve 3893752 Ring, Compression Piston
3417779 Valve, Exhaust 3899413 Ring, Compression Piston
3275354 Collet, Valve 3102367 Ring, Oil Piston
3104151 Retainer, Valve Spring Injectors
3070072 Guide, Valve Spring 4914458 Injector
3008465 Plug, Pipe 167157 Ball, Check
3820749 Plug, Orifice 173086 Gasket, Injector
3328781 Seal, Valve Stem 174299 Retainer, Screen
3895479 Plug, Expansion 3066693 Retainer, Injector Cup
4923187 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap 203426 Pin, Roll
4022907 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap 3068860 Nut, Lock
4022500 Gasket, Cylinder Head 3054999 Screen, Filter
3328328 Washer, Sealing 3060615 Spring, Compression
3328637 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap 3064881 Adapter, Injector
3328379 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap 3062009 Link, Injector Plunger
Accessory Drive Pulley 3060614 Spring, Compression
3883324 Pulley, Accessory Drive 3068088 Washer, Plain
3018671 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3045047 Plug, Injector Orifice
3041247 Washer, Plain 3066707 Retainer, Injector Spring
Engine Coolant Vent 3052231 Retainer, Injector Link
68138 Connector, Male 3068859 Cap, Tappet Top Stop
68425 Clip 3070155 Link, Injector Plunger
3161771 Elbow, Male Adapter 3055742 Screw, Injector Stop
3819787 Hose, Flexible 3069718 Barrel & Plunger
Electric Starting Acc 3069708 Plunger, Injector
3050692 Switch, Magnetic 3068083 Barrel, Injector
S 224 Nut, Heavy Hexagon 3075383 Tappet, Hyd Var Timing
S 600 Washer, Lock 3074258 Nut, Tappet Top Stop Lock
S 631 Washer, Plain 3074257 Plug, Orifice
3408250 Isolator, Vibration 3087649 Cup, Injector
3062483 Bracket, Magnetic Switch 4022920 Clamp, Injector
Valve Cover 3882793 Screw, Twelve Point Cap
3899757 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap STC TAPPET REPAIR KIT
3401304 Cover, Rkr Lev TLA No Fill 3803497 Kit, Tappet
3035228 Seal, O Ring Fan Pilot Spacer
3040995 Plug, Threaded 3035776 Spacer, Fan
3037537 Seal, O Ring S 604 Washer, Lock
3042401 Seal, Grommet 3073136 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3047134 Tube, Breather Thermostat Housing
3401127 Adapter, Plain 3406886 Housing, Thermostat TLA
3401303 Cover, Rocker Lever 3406884 Housing, Thermostat
3818151 Nut, Regular Hexagon Jam 186780 Seal, Thermostat
3883220 Gasket, Rocker Lever Cover 3008469 Plug, Pipe
3883221 Gasket, Rocker Lever Cover 4083195 Support, Thm Housing
3883222 Spacer, Mounting 4083188 Support, Thm Housing
3899798 Isolator, Noise 3037536 Plug, Threaded
Corrosion Resistor 3037537 Seal, O Ring
3819767 Head, Corrosion Resistor 3081347 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3966716 Seal, O Ring 3893692 Gasket, Support
205363 Washer, Spring 3820667 Hose, Plain
206963 Insert, Filter Head 3008690 Clamp, Hose
3818849 Shaft, Shutoff Valve 3820988 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3042327 Washer, Plain 3081350 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3202049 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 4083195 Support, Thm Housing
3818935 Head, Corrosion Resistor Electronic Engine Control
3328740 Seal, O Ring 3008466 Plug, Pipe
3081345 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3037536 Plug, Threaded
3100308 Resistor, Corrosion 3037537 Seal, O Ring
3820988 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3040813 Plug, Threaded
3009330 Washer, Plain Starting Motor
108330 Washer, Plain 5284084 Motor, Starting
3826824 Decal Water Pump
Oil Cooler Water Plumbing 2863701 Seal, O Ring
3034836 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap 3027924 Gasket, Connection
3818060 Screw, Captive Washer Cap 3034836 Screw, Hexagon Head Cap
3893690 Gasket, Heater Housing 3328559 Connection, Water Transfer
4083006 Gasket, Water Header Cover 3821718 Connection, Water Transfer
4913726 Plate, Cover 3892095 Seal, O Ring
3013786 Plug, Pipe 3900631 Screw, Hex Flange Head Cap
4913822 Plate, Cover 4299026 Pump, Water TLA
4985547 Cover, Water Header 3008468 Plug, Pipe
3008468 Plug, Pipe 3008469 Plug, Pipe
4985548 Cover, Water Header 3008470 Plug, Pipe
3037536 Plug, Threaded
4299025 Pump, Water

1) If the part no. of the Cummins MTAA11-G3 engine parts no. you need is not in the attached list, please futher contact our sale to consult more
2) If you need the OEM Cummins MTAA11-G3 engine parts, we also can be you help.
3) We can also provide the Cummins engine parts catalogue for 6BTA5.9, 6CTA8.3, 6LTAA8.9, QSB3.9, QSB4.5, QSB6.7, QSB8.9, 4BTA3.9-G2, ISZ13, ISDe, ISLe, M11, NTA855, KTA19, KTA38 and 4BTA3.9-G2 engine for different application.
4) Except the above Cummins MTAA11-G3 engine parts catalogue, we also can supply the other brand parts catalogue made by BOSCH, Deutz, Perkins, Cat, MTU, MAN and Weichai, you can contact our sales to know more.

Cummins MTAA11-G3 Diesel Engine for Generator Set

General data of Cummins MTAA11-G3 Diesel Engine for Generator Set
Engine Model Cummins MTAA11-G3
Type 6 Cylinder, In-line, 4 Stroke
Displacement 11 L
Bore&Stroke 125*147 mm
Dry Weight(include flywheel and generator) 973 KG
Wet Weight(include flywheel and generator) 1007 KG
Center of Gravity from Rear Face of Flywheel Housing 450 mm
Center of Gravity Above Crankshaft Centerline 191 mm
Technical data of Cummins MTAA11-G3 Diesel Engine for Generator Set
Aspiration Turbocharged, Aftercooled
Fuel System PT Pump Direct Injection
Engine Coolant Flow 4.8 L/s
Coolant Capacity, Engine Only 9.5 L
Oil Pan Capacity-High/Low 34/26 L
Idle speed 675-750 RPM
Minimum Engine Speed 500 RPM
Maximum Governed Speed 1800 RPM
Maximum Over Speed Capability 1800 RPM
Compression ratio 15.0:1
Piston Speed 7.4 m/sec
Maximum Friction Power 22 KW
Firing Order 1-5-3-6-2-4
Performance Date of Cummins MTAA11-G3 Diesel Engine for Generator Set
Rated Output/Speed 282KW/1500RPM
Standby Output/Speed 310KW/1500RPM
Continuous Output/Speed 210KW/1500RPM
Fuel Consumption/Rated Output 52.1 Kg/h
Fuel Consumption/Standby output 59.6 Kg/h


The above is general technical specification of Cummins MTAA11-G3 diesel engine for generator set. It is also for us to supply the Cummins MTAA11-G3 genuine engine parts and Cummins diesel generator set including the landuse and silent type of this engine.

(1) If you need the other engine except MTAA11-G3, then the Cummins 4B, 6B, 6C, 6L, QSB, QSC, QSL, ISL, ISB, ISD, QSM11, ISM11, M11, NTA855, KTA19, KTA38 and KTA50 engine be your choice, please further contact our sales.
(2) We can provide the diesel generator set for both open type and silent with enclosure, together with the generator and control panel. If you required the Cummins MTAA11-G3 engine parts, we also can be your help.
(3) The above diesel engine MTAA11-G3 is from Cummins CCEC factory, which is used for the generator set, we also can supply this engine for the marine application.
(4) If the engine details you need are not in our above list, please further contact us to check for you. Maybe some information are not updated.

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