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» Blog » How to maintain Cummins diesel engine in winter

How to maintain Cummins diesel engine in winter

October 8, 2022

How to maintain Cummins diesel engine in winter

Recently, with the coming of snow and cold wave in the north, the weather is getting colder and colder, so the maintenance of winter Cummins diesel engine is particularly important, we briefly introduce some winter maintenance method of Cummins diesel engine, I hope to help you.

One, cummins diesel engine running in the winter, if parked in the open place, should pay attention to the change in the weather at any time, when local temperatures below 4 degrees, cummins diesel engine cooling water tank in the cooling water should be put, because 4 degrees when the volume of water change is bigger, when water from liquid to solid, the volume increase inflation will damage the water cooling tank radiator.

Two, winter because of the poor working environment of Cummins diesel engine, so it is necessary to frequently change the air filter element, because the cold weather on the air filter element and diesel filter element requirements are particularly high, if not replaced in time will increase the engine wear, affect the life of the diesel engine.

Three, Cummins diesel engine loaded in winter start, the air temperature in the cylinder is low, the piston compressed gas is difficult to reach the natural temperature of diesel. Therefore, before starting Cummins diesel engine, corresponding auxiliary methods should be adopted to improve the temperature of Cummins diesel engine body.

Four, Cummins diesel engine should first run at low speed for 3-5 minutes, in order to improve the temperature of Cummins diesel engine, check the lubricating oil work, check the normal operation before it can be put into normal operation. Cummins diesel engine operation as far as possible to reduce the sudden speed or throttle to the maximum operation, otherwise a long time will affect the service life of the valve assembly.

Five, winter Cummins diesel engine in the choice of oil, should try to choose thinner viscosity oil.

Low temperature in winter leads to poor flow of diesel oil viscosity increase is not easy to spray atomization bad combustion deterioration of diesel engine power performance and economic performance decline so winter should choose low freezing point and ignition performance of light diesel oil general requirements diesel engine freezing point should be lower than the local current season of the lowest temperature;

5 # diesel is suitable for use at temperatures above 8℃;
0 # diesel is suitable for use at the temperature of 8℃ to 4℃;
-10 # diesel is suitable for use at temperature from 4℃ to -5℃;
-20 # diesel is suitable for use at temperature from -5℃ to -14℃;
-35 # diesel is suitable for use at temperature from -14℃ to -29℃;
-50 # diesel is suitable for use at temperatures ranging from -29℃ to -44℃ or below.

The air filter can not be removed with a cotton yarn dipped in diesel fuel after ignition made kindling in the intake pipe to start the combustion support so that the outside dust air is not filtered and directly inhaled into the cylinder causing abnormal wear of piston cylinder and other parts will also cause the diesel engine rough damage to the machine.

In winter, low freezing point oil should be selected. When starting the oil, the water bath outside the machine can be used to increase the oil temperature so as not to make the oil in the oil pan deteriorate or even scorch lubrication performance is reduced or completely lost, thereby exacerbating the machine wear.

After the car diesel engine is started Some customers immediately load operation, the car soon due to lower the body temperature of diesel engine oil viscosity machine caused by serious wear and plunger spring valve springs and injector spring due to the cold short (also easy to fracture), so the winter after start the car should be low to medium speed diesel engine idle for a few minutes, cooling water temperature reached 60 ° or so, Then put into load operation.

The low temperature in winter is easy to make the diesel engine overcooled when working, so insulation is the key to use the diesel engine in winter. The diesel engine used in winter in northern areas should be equipped with insulation sleeve and insulation curtain and other cold protection equipment.

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